Is Foster Care Right for You?

You're interested, but just not sure if fostering is right for you.

Every current foster parent has been right where you are. They have fears and questions. Will I be a good parent? Will I be able to balance life? Will I get too attached?

At Lions Meadows of Hope, we support foster parents from all walks of life.

Here are some of the ways we provide unique support:

Foster Care Specialists

Our TBRI trained foster care specialists have small caseloads so they can give you the individual attention you need.

Financial Support

We provide each parent with an initial placement, daycare, respite care, extracurricular activity, and babysitting stipend.

Community Access

We work with members in the community who often provide resources and donations to help foster families.

Sign up to take our potential foster parent quiz and discover if fostering is right for you!